We engage in meaningful dialogue, immerse ourselves in the content and organizational culture then generate visuals that meet your specific communication goals. If you have an established brand, we study it, ask questions and create elements that are consistent with the existing look and feel. Our clients like us because we listen carefully, form trusting relationships and aim to find solutions that are engaging and initiate storytelling.

Peter was instrumental in helping develop the athenahealth visual brand, and in translating it across media — from our corporate spaces across the country to print, digital media and events. He worked effectively with our C-suite and Marketing & Communications team, quickly emerging as our go-to designer for addressing the many challenges our rapidly-growing company faced. We relied on him not only to create beautiful designs, but to help project manage production from early development to final execution. Without Peter, we would not have been able to tell our visual story as effectively as we did.
— Pierre Valette, former Vice President of Marketing & Communications, athenahealth